WEBINAR: Condominium Association Insurance 101


Condominium associations are facing challenges with rising insurance premiums and deductibles. It has never been more important to understand the types of insurance your association should have in place to mitigate risk and to maintain the association’s budget to account for the rising costs of insurance premiums.

Join us for a complimentary webinar hosted by Winstead PC and Alliant Insurance. During the webinar, you will learn about the insurance that your HOA needs to manage risks effectively along with related budgetary recommendations.

Date: Thursday, January 25, 2024
Time: 2:30 p.m. CT

Speakers: Taylor Bacot, Chelsea Stormes (Alliant Insurance); Teddy Holtz, Frank Carroll III (Winstead PC)

Who should attend: Condominium Board members and managers who are responsible for purchasing insurance and maintaining the association’s budget.

Search Tips:

You may use the wildcard symbol (*) as a root expander.  A search for "anti*" will find not only "anti", but also "anti-trust", "antique", etc.

Entering two terms together in a search field will behave as though an "OR" is being used.  For example, entering "Antique Motorcars" as a Client Name search will find results with either word in the Client Name.


AND and OR may be used in a search.  Note: they must be capitalized, e.g., "Project AND Finance." 

The + and - sign operators may be used.  The + sign indicates that the term immediately following is required, while the - sign indicates to omit results that contain that term. E.g., "+real -estate" says results must have "real" but not "estate".

To perform an exact phrase search, surround your search phrase with quotation marks.  For example, "Project Finance".

Searches are not case sensitive.

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